How to Season a Griddle

How to Season a Griddle


Step #1 – Wipe Down

Wipe down your griddle surface with a wet towel.  This is just to remove any dust or nasty debris from the warehouse and shipping or wherever you bought it from.  Maybe it’s been sitting inside a Lowes or something.  You can use a little dish detergent as well if you want but you don’t have to.

Step #2- Turn to High for 15 Minutes

Now that it’s clean turn all your burner on to high and let the griddle heat up for 10 to 15 minutes.  The surface will start to turn black and darken, this is normal.  

Step #3- Apply 2 tablespoons of oil very thin.

Apply 2-3 tablespoons of oil to your hot griddle using tongs and a paper towel.  Spread it as thin as possible coating the entire gridle top.  Any cooking oil will work for this process but the most commonly used ones are Canola, Flax Seed, Vegetable, Olive or Shortening.  Don’t overthink the oil, and don’t let people tell you that only one kind is the best.  They all work but if you get on a griddle Facebook group or a Youtube video you’ll find someone with very strong opinions about why the oil they us is best.  Ignore them and just use what you want.

Step #4 – Let the oil burn off then repeat twice.

Let the oil burn off this will take 20 to 30 minutes so make sure you have some beer.  The griddle top will start smoking and once it stops all the oil has burnt off.  Repeat this process two more times and you will be all done.  Now make some burgers.


Want to learn more? Grab a copy of my ebook “Griddle 101: The Complete Beginners Guide to Flat Top Grilling”. It goes over everything I know about griddling and has 101 delicous recipes for only y$15. Happy griddling!

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